The Written Word

Wizard Subclass - Tomebound Wizardry

Tomebound Wizards are the keepers of the ancient lore, their lives are a quest to gather and protect the wealth of magical knowledge contained within spellbooks and scrolls.

The tradition of the Tomebound Wizards began centuries ago within the grand halls of the Elderberry Academy. An elite circle of scholars, frustrated with the limitations of traditional learning, formed a secretive group known as the "Custodians of the Word."

Their core belief was that magic's true essence was contained in the written word and that a wizard could achieve unparalleled mastery over their spells through comprehensive study and collection.

Tomebound Wizards are often on the move. Their insatiable thirst for knowledge drives them to explore forgotten ruins, negotiate with ancient beings, and traverse treacherous terrains in search of elusive texts. Their travels are not just for personal gain; many undertake quests on behalf of the Elderberry Academy, ensuring that the institution remains at the forefront of arcane learning.

Many common folks look forward to a Tomebound's visit. They bring tales from distant lands, news of magical innovations, and sometimes even offer to trade spells with local practitioners. To some, they're akin to wandering heroes, while to others, they're eccentric scholars with their noses forever buried in a book.

In a world with vast amounts of magic, the Tomebound Wizards are the keepers of its written heritage. Their commitment to collecting and deciphering knowledge ensures that the arcane arts continue to flourish and evolve under their guidance.

Curious Lorekeepers!

Heikel, (whose interest in lore pales compared to the Tomebound)

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