The Umbrakin

In the aftermath of the tumultuous battle that marked the end of Lord Eldric's usurpation, Eldwin witnessed the emergence of beings as enigmatic as the twilight itself—the Umbrakin. As the custodian of Eldwin's lore, it falls upon me, Heikel, to recount the tale of these ethereal entities, caught between life and death.

Shrouded Origins

The fall of Lindtilién and the ensuing chaos that wracked the roots of the World Tree gave rise to the first of the Umbrakin. Their origins are veiled in speculation, with scholars and mystics alike pondering their true nature. Are they souls denied the afterlife, victims of cosmic irregularity, or perhaps beings cursed to wander the mortal realm? The theories are as varied as they are intriguing, painting the Umbrakin as figures of profound mystery and misunderstood power.

Between Worlds

The Umbrakin exist in a liminal state, neither fully embracing the breath of life nor the peace of death. This in-between existence places them at odds with the common understanding of life's cycle, casting them as beings of intrigue and, oftentimes, fear. Their connection to the afterlife, a realm beyond the grasp of the living, imbues them with abilities that many view with suspicion and awe.

Despite the apprehension they might inspire, the Umbrakin serve a vital role within the fabric of Eldwin. As mediums of the threshold between life and death, they maintain the balance disrupted by past turmoil.

Their roles as mediums, spiritual guides, and protectors of the deceased underscore their importance in ensuring that the souls of the departed find their way, and that the living can make peace with their inevitable journey.

The stigma surrounding the Umbrakin has woven much prejudice and isolation, driving many to the fringes of society. Tales of their exile and persecution at the hands of the superstitious and the fearful underscore the misunderstanding of their nature. Yet, in the shadows of society's margins, the Umbrakin have carved out spaces of belonging, communities where they can exist free from judgment and fear.


The Umbrakin, with their twilight existence, remind us of the complexity of life, death, and the soul's journey. They challenge us to look beyond our fears and prejudices, to see the beauty in the unknown, and to recognize the critical balance they maintain in our world.

May the story of the Umbrakin inspire a deeper understanding of the mysteries that lie beyond the veil of our perception, and may we learn to embrace the shadows with the same grace we welcome the light.

In the quiet of night,


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