Starlight Sorcerer

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The Fire of Illumni

In the Kingdom of Eldwin, where magic is a natural fabric of reality, there exists a race of beings as peculiar as they are radiant—the Illumni. Crafted from the purest wax and infused with the realm's potent magic, these enchanted waxen beings stand as a tribute to the valour and honour of knights and paladins past. Today, let us delve into the lore of the Illumni, as I, Heikel, recount their luminous tale.

Divine Craftmanship

The creation of the Illumni was no ordinary feat; it was a labour of devotion by master spellcasters who sought to honour the legendary virtues of bravery and honour. Utilizing wax sourced from the rarest of bees, enchanted by the magic that pervades Eldwin, these craftsmen shaped figures that would become more than mere statues.

Blessed by the Sunfather

Moved by the Eldwinians' dedication, the Sunfather, the deity of daylight and warmth, decided to breathe life into these waxen knights. By granting them a fragment of his radiant essence, he awakened within them a soul, a consciousness that transcended their origins. The Illumni were born with a divine purpose, forever alight with the Sunfather's flame.

Of Light & Valor

Throughout history, the Illumni have been celebrated as exemplars of unwavering courage. Their eternal flame—unfaltering and undimmed—serves as a beacon in the darkness, guiding those who wander and standing as a symbol of hope.

Unbound by the mortal coil of aging, Illumni exist in a state of timeless vigilance, their lives stretching across centuries. Though immune to the passage of time, they must tread carefully, for intense heat is their bane, threatening the flame that is both their heart and their honour.


The Illumni, with their flames that pierce the night, embody the eternal spirit of heroism that defines Eldwin. In their silent watch, they remind us that light can thrive in the darkest of times and that valour and honour are flames that should never be extinguished.

May their story inspire you to carry your light into the shadows, ever brave and ever true.

In the glow of eternal flames,


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