Starlight Sorcerer

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Hello there!

Greetings to all who find their way to these pages,

My name is Heikel, a historian and cartographer of Eldwin, though perhaps not one of notable adventures or daring exploits. My journey is one less of footprints across the vast landscapes and more of ink trails across parchment within the confines of my study. By nature, I am what many would consider a homebody, a life lived within the solace of walls filled with books, maps, and scrolls that reach towards the ceiling like the branches of the World Tree itself.

My mission, grand in its simplicity, is to collect, learn, uncover, and read upon the lore of this land—a realm rich with history, magic, and stories waiting to be told.

Despite the limitations that tether me to my home, my spirit ventures far and wide through the narratives brought back by adventurers, each tale a piece of the grand puzzle that is Eldwin.

With quill in hand and an unquenchable thirst for the untold, I dedicate myself to chronicling the extraordinary. Through the tales of those who traverse the wilds, confront the shadows, and embrace the light, I will weave together the tapestry of our realm.

From the people and their professions to magical artifacts and spells that bend the fabric of reality, I will share all with you, my readers! It is my firm belief that through understanding our past and present, we enrich our future.

In anticipation of the wonders we will discover together,
